What is April Fool’s Day called in France ? How is it celebrated ?
Story behind something Fishy
Ever wondered how the French celebrate April Fool’s Day ?Well, in France, it is called ‘Poisson d’Avril,’ instead of April Fool’s Day , which means – ‘April Fish.’
That sounds so Fishy ! So, let’s find out the origin of this fishy festival!
How did April Fool’s Day Begin?
In the 16th century, people were still using the Julian Calendar. Back then , April used to mark the New Year until the Gregorian Calendar changed the game. It’s said that, those who were slow to catch on, were mocked and pranked on April 1st !
Why is it called the Poisson d’Avril (April Fish Day) ?
Here’s where things get fishy ! As Lent wraps up around April 1st, people in France used to feast on fish. But instead of chowing down, they decided to prank each other with fake fish!
Brilliant idea, right? That’s why the French stick paper fish on each other’s backs to this day.

April Fool’s Day Celebrations in France :
The art of pranking knows no age limit! Kids and adults alike join in on the fun.
Let me give you an example on how is it celebrated :
Now , there was one time, a big fake marketing hoax was spread that the Eiffel Tower is being relocated to Disneyland !
It was later on, that everyone realised it’s all part of the April Fool!
And there’s one classic paper fish prank.
You just need to stick it on someone’s back and wait for the giggles, then shout ‘poisson d’Avril!’ and make a run for it.
It is after all the little things that makes our life ‘magnifique’!
FAQs: April Fool’s Day celebration in France
– What are some common April Fool’s pranks in France?
– From paper fish pranks to fake news stories, the French know how to keep the jokes rolling!
– Is April Fool’s Day a public holiday in France?
– Nope ! but it’s definitely a day to have some fun!
Now, who’s ready to celebrate April Fool’s French-style? Let the pranking begin!
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