
Types of Lovers at the Office

Identifying the Office Lovebirds

If you have worked at a Corporate office then you already know there are two things that make the office a thrilling place — free coffee(which I cannot have because I am lactose intolerant) and workplace romance.And trust me darling, you can never ever get to enjoy these things if you are working from remote (WFH).

I mean, who doesn’t enjoy a little bit of drama between emails and coffee breaks? 

Whether you are trying to steer clear or you are just a people-watcher, here are a few points that I have concluded, based on the different types of lovers I met at the office.

A couple walking at office while having coffee

The #Cutecouple

These are the ones who treat the office like a cute love nest. You will mostly see them holding hands in the cafeteria, sharing lunch, and even finishing each other’s sentences—with full aww so cute! vibes. 

However, these two have no concept of personal space. You can practically feel the heat radiating from their desks. 

Personally, I prefer my coffee without the side of mushy romance, especially at the office.

A woman is looking in a flirty way in office
Girl looking at her colleague with love in her eyes while he is talking

The Secret Agents ( lovers)

This pair is as mysterious as it gets. You would never catch them sitting together, they rarely make eye contact, but somehow, everyone knows. 

It is something like a worst-kept secret. They think they are good at hiding, but we have all seen the late-night text notifications. 

I really want to ask them, what are you guys afraid of? The school principal will complain to your mom? Duh!

The On-Again, Off-Again Duo

One day they are in love; the very next day, they are sworn enemies. Their relationship is almost like a soap opera no one asked to watch. They block and unblock each other on WhatsApp almost 40 times , out of the 30 days of the month.

I can’t keep up with whether they are talking to each other or not. But one thing is for sure—it is best to never schedule a team meeting on one of their “off” days, unless you are ready for some emergency sick leave of the other one.

The “It’s Complicated” Couple

These two are stuck somewhere between being just friends and something more. 

There are stolen glances, a little bit of flirting, but no one can figure out if they are actually a thing. They are constantly confusing everyone, including themselves. Frankly, it’s exhausting to watch, but it does make for interesting gossip for everyone else at the office.

Girl at office, gives a peck on the cheek of her colleague

The Office Romance Survival Guide : So what’s the verdict?

No matter what, office romances are full of entertainment. Whether you are in it or just watching from the sidelines. If you are one of the lovers, maybe keep it professional—or at least discreet. 

Illustration of office couple

If you are a person like me, enjoy the show but don’t get too involved or too obsessed about their personal lives.After all, the real love of your life should probably be that 5 PM clock-out time.

    Disclaimer: This blog is meant for humor and entertainment only. The descriptions of “types of lovers at the office” are purely satirical and not based on real individuals. Please enjoy with a light-hearted spirit!

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