Fun FactsMusings

If I were to live on Moon

Moonstruck: From Romantic Symbol to Harsh Reality

We’ve all seen it in countless movies and love songs – the moon, a silvery celestial in the night sky, whispering sweet nothings to wide-eyed lovers.  For centuries, poets have waxed lyrical about its beauty, comparing it to the flawless complexion of their beloved.  Cultures around the world have incorporated the moon into their myths and legends, weaving stories that paint it as a symbol of peace, beauty and yes, even romance.But here’s the thing, before you start dreaming your honeymoon at the moon, let’s come back to Earth.

The image shows a girl trying to hold the Moon.

The Harsh Reality – It’s a Loveless Lunar Land

The space race is on, and the dream of colonizing the moon is inching closer to reality.

 As a self-proclaimed space lover, I used to be all in, about the idea of living amongst the stars.

But then, one day I came across a story written by Ruskin Bond. He is the one, who actually shattered my romantic illusions about lunar life.  He basically pointed out that he would never want to live on moon where there are no trees, no rain, no birdsong!

Now, imagine that you are stuck in a  metallic terrarium,  without a single blade of grass in sight. There’s no calming chirps of crickets to lull you to sleep, it’s  just the constant hum of machinery that you can hear.  

Even if I keep moonlit picnics under a canopy of leaves, aside –  the moon’s got barely a leaf to offer.  How unromantic  is that? Moreover, how lifeless is that?

The image represents the concept of human holding on to the moon.

Earth: Not So Green With Envy

This realization made me take a long, hard look at our own planet.  It is for sure that, Earth has its problems,  but compared to the starkness of the moon, our Earth is a tropical paradise.  We take for granted the tune of birdsong, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, the sweet scent of rain( petrichor).  These are the things that make Earth a vibrant, breathing planet, not a cold, sterile rock.

So, the moon is beautiful in its own way, but it’s no substitute for the irreplaceable wonder that is our own green planet. So, it’s best to keep that option reserved only for our astronauts to explore and live on Moon. Let’s celebrate Earth, with all its greenery and imperfections, because  it’s the only place with a dat “trees, guaranteed!”

This blog is completely written from a literary perspective, not from a scientific angle. You can read this article by Howstuffworks , for a scientific perspective.

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