
Grocery store fails

My funniest mishaps at the grocery store

I went to the grocery store the other day, and let me tell you, it was quite an adventure (epic fail). The place was packed with people, and there were aisles and aisles of stuff to look at, as usual. But I just find it like a maze. Where, instead of treasure, I was searching for food. Something tasty and cost-effective, maybe with some good offers.

I forgot to mention earlier that my primary goal there was to buy the things mentioned by my mom on the list.
So, I wandered around for a while, trying to find everything on my list. And yes, like every time, this time also I got lost a few times, and I even bumped into a lady who was trying to get a cart full of groceries past me. The face she made looked as if I had asked for both of her kidneys.
She looked so much like Mrs. Julia Wicket from the Mr. Bean cartoon. Remember the elderly and grouchy big, fat landlady who always used to stay irritated with wriggled eyebrows?!
Well, my lady stranger here didn’t have white hair like her, but other than that, I bet she would have been the best person who would be fit for the role of Mrs. Wicket. Also, I am pretty sure that she must be having a cunning cat at her home, just like the one they showed in the cartoon. My goodness! what an evil cat it was! I love all the cats in the world, except that one.

Mrs. Julia Wicket and her cat | credit: mrbean.fandom|

Coming back to reality, the lady in front of me had just opened her mouth, and I am pretty sure was about to shower a bucket full of words over me. But the speed at which I told her sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry… all at one go, it was no less than the speed of lightning. Eventually, she couldn’t tell me much, but what I can still say is that she wasn’t too happy about the collision.

Photo by Eduardo Soares on Unsplash

One particularly hilarious moment happened when I was trying to find the cereal aisle. I followed the signs, but they seemed to be leading me in circles. I finally asked a store employee for help. She seemed very sweet and approachable, like she was in her early 40s. She was wearing a store-branded t-shirt, and her eyes looked tired from long hours of work.
Yet, she pointed me in the right direction with a sweet smile on her face. But when I got to the aisle, I couldn’t find the brand of cereal I was looking for. I searched high and low, but it was nowhere to be found.
Just as I was about to give up, I heard a voice behind me. “Excuse me,” the same woman (employee) whom I asked for the direction previously, said. “Are you looking for Honey Nut Cheerios?” I turned around and saw her holding a box of the cereal, again with a genuine smile on her face. I thanked her profusely and told her I’d been searching for it everywhere. She just laughed and said, “It’s right there, behind you.”
I turned around and saw the box of Honey Nut Cheerios sitting on the shelf, right where she had said it was. I felt like such an idiot. How had I missed it? I am 200 percent sure now, I am getting blind.

Photo by Joseph Keyser on Unsplash

Going ahead, I continued my shopping, feeling a little bit embarrassed but also grateful for the woman’s help. As I made my way to the checkout line, I couldn’t help but smile. It was a small moment, but it had made my day a little bit brighter. Especially after bumping into the big, fat lady.
As I waited in line, I watched the people around me. There was a young couple arguing about which brand of yogurt to buy. A family with young children was trying to keep their kids from running around and knocking things over. And there was an elderly woman who seemed to be lost, wandering aimlessly through the aisles.

Photo by Morgan Von Gunten on Unsplash

It was a chaotic scene, but it was also kind of comforting. In the midst of all the noise and confusion, there was a sense of community. We were all there for the same reason: to get food. And even though we might have been strangers, we were all connected by our shared experience.
Finally, it was my turn to check out. I paid for my groceries and left the store. As I walked out, I couldn’t help but laugh at the whole experience. It was a bit chaotic, but it was also kind of fun.

You can go through this post from Boredpanda about 117 supermarket fails.

You can also read this sweet blog based on – Solo Date Ideas

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